Buena Vista School District is committed to excellent stewardship of the taxpayers’ facilities that support our mission of every student reaching the peak of success. Routine and preventative maintenance are prioritized by our remarkable maintenance and custodial teams.
The district has been awarded BEST (Building Excellent School Today) and Buell grants along with partnering with the non-profit Watershed, LLC and the Town of Buena Vista to extend local tax dollars to preserve and modernize facilities. Renovations and additions to the elementary, middle and high school have recently been completed.
The district recently completed a renovation of the Industrial Arts building with the support of a BEST award and COVID monies. The CCHS campus was updated and a shared space for indoor practice facilities was added.
The Old McGinnis Gym on the District Office Campus is currently being renovated with federal grants (Brownsfield) and state tax credits through a creative partnership with Watershed, LLC. Design and funding for a consolidated preschool facility, freeing space for programming at the elementary, is underway.
Future projects, dependent on community donations, will be a renovation of the high school track and field.
Abe Hachmann, Hachmann Design and Engineer, has served as a local facility consultant throughout recent projects and has completed a Master Facility Plan.
BV Schools is proud of and thankful for the facilities our students are able to utilize for their educational experience because of the generous support of our taxpayers.
For more information, contact Kevin Hargrove Facility Director email Kevin or call (719) 395-7099 Or Superintendent Yates, email Lisa or call (719-395-7005).

Facility Use Request
BV Schools endeavors to share our beautiful, tax-supported facilities with our community. Boys and Girls Club, BV Rec, Sol Vista, and others regularly use the facilities. If your community group is interested in using BV Schools facilities or fields, please complete the form found here or below.