The Buena Vista Board of Education is comprised of seven members who are elected by the local voters for a four year term. Two members are at-large representatives and five members represent specific districts or areas within the school district. Board meetings are held twice a month on the second and fourth Mondays. The public is always welcome to attend the meetings and may provide input during the public comment section of each meeting.
The Board is a varied group of community members, many of whom are parents. We are proud of the leadership they provide for the school district and their sincere interest in our students' education and success in life.

Jessica Crites
District 2
Re-Elected 11/21, Term Exp 11/25
Email Ms. Crites

Brett Mitchell
Vice President
District 1
Re- Elected 11/23, Term Exp 11/27
Email Mr. Mitchell

Lynn Montoya
District 10
Elected 11/21, Term Exp 11/25
Email Ms. Montoya

George Richardson
District 4
Elected 11/23, Term Exp 11/27
Email Mr. Richardson

Mallory Brooks
At Large
Elected 11/23, Term Exp 11/27
Email Ms. Brooks

Paula Dylan
At Large
Elected 11/23, Term Exp 11/25
Email Ms. Dylan

Norm Nyberg
District 3
Elected 11/23, Term Exp 11/27
Email Mr. Nyberg