A few more photos from Friday's Professional Learning day! Avery Parsons teachers used part of the day to collaborate on a non-verbal communication activity, then brainstormed ways they can actively support each other's classrooms. #professionallearning #elementaryschool #elementaryschoolteachers #averyparsonselementary #bvproud #criticalcompetency #BV7Cs #bvschoolsthepeak
over 1 year ago, BV Schools
Avery Parsons teachers meet together during the professional learning day Friday
Avery Parsons teachers meet together during the professional learning day Friday
Avery Parsons teachers meet together during the professional learning day Friday
Avery Parsons teachers meet together during the professional learning day Friday
Avery Parsons teachers meet together during the professional learning day Friday
Enjoy the day off on Monday!
over 1 year ago, BV Schools
Weekly activities in the district
BVSD teachers stretched their critical competency muscles today during their Professional Learning day! As part of their annual evaluation, teachers design an inquiry-based question they track throughout the year to investigate an element of their teaching practice or classroom culture - aligned to our district priorities. During PL days every month, the teachers meet in groups to check in, share data, and seek feedback from their peers. This process is an integral part of building a culture of learners not just among our students, but among our staff! #professionallearning #criticalcompetency #BV7Cs #bvproud #bvschoolsthepeak
over 1 year ago, BV Schools
Teachers meet during the professional learning day
Teachers meet during the professional learning day
Teachers meet during the professional learning day
Teachers meet during the professional learning day
Teachers meet during the professional learning day
Students in Mr. Perrin's Sports and Society class kicked off their Economics of Sports unit by digging into advertising and target markets. Capitalizing on the timely Super Bowl advertising mania, the class categorized Super Bowl commercials into the different target markets they are working with. #criticallycompetent #BV7Cs #superbowlcommercials #marketing #buenavistahighschool #bvschoolsthepeak
over 1 year ago, BV Schools
Sports and Society students use Super Bowl commercials to market to target audiences
Sports and Society students use Super Bowl commercials to market to target audiences
Sports and Society students use Super Bowl commercials to market to target audiences
Sports and Society students use Super Bowl commercials to market to target audiences
Travel conditions have improved throughout the day. Varsity Girls and Boys basketball games ONLY will be played this evening in Salida. Start times are 5:00 and 6:30 pm. The Unified Game will be rescheduled. Varsity are only games being played as these are must play games for seeding. All other extra curricular events remain canceled for today. Be safe when traveling.
over 1 year ago, Lisa Yates
BV Schools celebrate our School Resource Officers Mitchell and Englund. Thank you for your service. #sroappreciationday #thankyouforyourservice
over 1 year ago, BV Schools
School Resource Officer Appreciation Day
SNOW DAY! There will be no school on Wednesday, February 15 for BV Schools. All schools will be closed. Information on the basketball game will come later. Enjoy some winter weather today and be safe!
over 1 year ago, BV Schools
snow day
SNOW DAY! There will be no school on Wednesday, February 15 for BV Schools. All schools will be closed. Information on the basketball game will come later. Enjoy some winter weather today and be safe!
over 1 year ago, Lisa Yates
SNOW DAY! SNOW DAY! SNOW DAY! Wednesday, February 15 is a snow day. Please turn off your lights, hit snooze and enjoy some winter weather today! News on the big games tonight in Salida will come later.
over 1 year ago, BV Schools
snow day image
It's that time of year again... 🐟 🐟 BVMS students are invited to participate in the 10th Annual Ice Fishing Festival tomorrow! This year, we have added a chili cook-off contest for the parents/ guardians and also a guided snowshoe hike for parents and students. There are several great prizes for both fishes and chili! Bundle up and join us on the ice at beautiful Clear Creek Reservoir! See the BVMS February newsletter for details and links to sign up. #icefishing #buenavistamiddleschool #connected #BV7Cs #bvproud #bvschoolsthepeak
over 1 year ago, BV Schools
10th Annual BVMS Ice Fishing Festival
Kindergarten students are celebrating the 100th day of school today! It's the perfect opportunity to practice those counting skills... πŸ’― #100thdayofschool #criticallycompetent #BV7Cs #averyparsonselementaryschool #bvproud #bvschoolsthepeak
over 1 year ago, BV Schools
Kindergarten celebrates the 100th day of school!
Kindergarten celebrates the 100th day of school!
Kindergarten celebrates the 100th day of school!
Kindergarten celebrates the 100th day of school!
Constructive is... giving the student the opportunity to be the teacher! CCHS students taught their peers and staff about ice fishing recently at Clear Creek Reservoir. 🎣 🧊 #constructive #BV7Cs #chaffeecountyhighschool #bvschoolsthepeak
over 1 year ago, BV Schools
CCHS students teach their peers about ice fishing
CCHS students teach their peers about ice fishing
Who says the cold has to stop the good times? On Wednesday, BVHS students were surprised with an advisory of s’mores and games on the front lawn. Even normal days in January and February are worth celebrating! #wootwootwednesday #advisory #makeeverymomentcount #communitybuilding #constructive #BV7Cs #buenavistahighschool #bvschoolsthepeak
over 1 year ago, BV Schools
BVHS students and staff participate in a s'mores and lawn games advisory
BVHS students and staff participate in a s'mores and lawn games advisory
BVHS students and staff participate in a s'mores and lawn games advisory
BVHS students and staff participate in a s'mores and lawn games advisory
Happy February! Our 7C of the month is "Critically Competent", which we define as skilled at processing and applying information and ideas by... - being competent in district BV Essentials - using specific thinking strategies to learn and make meaning - engaging in a cycle of rational thought to inquire, investigate, reason, and solve problems #criticallycompetent #BV7Cs #bvproud #bvschoolsthepeak
over 1 year ago, BV Schools
BVSD students are critically competent!
We've got lots of basketball and wrestling events this week! Check out the details on the Athletic Events tab.
over 1 year ago, BV Schools
Upcoming events in the district
If you would like to know more about Healthy Kids in Colorado survey, please join us at the district office on Thursday evening.
over 1 year ago, BV Schools
hkcs flier
Skating and Skiing are intentional experiences for CCHS to connect by transferring learning to relationships while gaining new skills and having fun together. #connect #BV7Cs #chaffeecountyhighschool #bvproud #bvschoolsthepeak
over 1 year ago, BV Schools
CCHS takes a ski and skating day
CCHS takes a ski and skating day
CCHS takes a ski and skating day
CCHS takes a ski and skating day
Avery Parsons students have been making interdiscplinary connections in their Enrichment class with Mrs. Atha by learning coding! Before getting to the computers, students learned all about grids, coordinates, and the language of coding. They used stuffed animals to track a journey across the state of Colorado using a giant, classroom-sized map. This foundation-setting ensured that by the time they starting working with the code.org, students understood the basic connections they would need to make the most of their interactive coding tasks. #connected #BV7Cs #coding #computerscience #averyparsonselementary #bvproud #bvschoolsthepeak
over 1 year ago, BV Schools
Avery Parsons students prepare for coding lessons by learning about grids and coordainates
Here's what's coming up this week! Remember - no school for students on Friday (it's a professional learning day for staff). Be sure to check out the athletics events tab for details on the many basketball and wrestling events happening this week.
over 1 year ago, BV Schools
Upcoming activities around the district
January is School Board Recognition Month! We are grateful for the significant time and dedication our volunteer school board members give the Buena Vista School District every day. Three cheers to President Suzette Hachmann, Vice President Brett Mitchell, Tracy Storms, Jessica Crites, Stacey Moss, Lynn Montoya, Olivia Bartlett. #SchoolBoardMonth #edcolo #bvschoolsthepeak
over 1 year ago, BV Schools
School Board Recognition Month